
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cranberry Christmas Salad

What do you get when you mix cranberries, pomegranates, apples, and heavy whipping cream?  The most delicious salad ever.  It is loaded with fruit so I am sure it is good for you. This seasonal treat is good for breakfast or dessert.  Make it while you can. Thank you Candise, this is my new favorite salad.

Cranberry Christmas Salad

1 package cranberries
1 pint whipping cream
1 bag miniature marshmallows
½ cup sugar
1 pomegranate
1 apple, grated

Chop the cranberries in a food processor, add sugar and let sit 2 hours.  In another bowl mix the marshmallows and the whipping cream (no, you don’t whip the cream). Let that sit 2 hours.  In the meantime, seed the pomegranate, wrap a few presents, and listen to the Celine Dion Christmas CD.  After two hours mix the cranberry/sugar mixture with the marshmallow/cream mixture.  Add the pomegranate seeds and grate in one apple.  Mix well and chill overnight.  Wake up first thing and have a bowl for breakfast.  Repeat at lunch, take to a Christmas party, and hope that there are leftovers for breakfast tomorrow!


  1. that looks delicious mom!

    I have a bag of cranberries in my freezer right all I need is a pomegranite!

  2. Sounds tasty! I think I'll have to give it a try.

  3. When you say let the items " sit" .. Do you do that on the counter or fridge?
