
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

When your only child at home is a 22 year old boy holidays are pretty boring! Thanks to Jarom and Candise we had a fun, fun, Easter. EJ is the perfect age for Easter festivities. We decorated eggs, tried making Nutter Butter Bunnies (not a child friendly activity), put together puzzles, watched Tangled at Uncle Jeff's theater. We also managed to get in 2 Easter Egg Hunts and go to the Fire Station and see what Firemen do all day. You might say we had an action packed weekend.

Ready and waiting, along with several hundred children.

Grandpa helping EJ make a plan,

Too much sugar and excitement--meltdown! And we still have many more activities planned!

We also managed to attend Church, hear and sing beautiful hymns and talk about the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, we had a wonderful weekend. Thanks Candise, Jarom and EJ.
Eliza's favorite prize--Cotton Candy!

Looks like Grandpa has been busy!
This is one happy little gal. She said the Easter Bunny left her all of her favorite things. Cotton Candy and a Chinese YoYo.

Just a four year old funny. I was with EJ after church, we were looking for Grandpa. He meets in a warm room with several other older men. We went inside the room which was now empty. EJ took a few steps into the room looking for Grandpa. He was no where to be found but EJ commented, "It smells like men". It did!


  1. Very sweet photos...what a cutie she is and it looks like she was having a blast! lol on smells like men...

  2. Thanks for a great weekend! Those photos make me happy.
