
Monday, October 1, 2012

Cranberry-Walnut Pumpkin Loaves--TWD/BWJ

This is one full body loaf and  it is delicious. I usually wait till the last minute to bake my recipes for TWD. I am a procrastinator by nature but I like to read the P&Q section on the TWD site. I always get great tips from bakers that aren't procrastinators! This recipe I'm sorry to say had more than a few negative reviews. I almost didn't make it, but really how can anything with cranberries, pumpkin and walnuts not be delicious.
So I baked.

This is not a quick bread which surprised most of us. It is a yeast bread that requires mixing 15 minutes in the trusty Kitchen Aid, a rise of 2 hours then an overnight rest in the refrigerator. Day 2 requires a four hour rest and a two hour rise. This sounds like forever but really there isn't much hands on time. The dough responded just like the recipe said it would (I love when that happens)! We were rewarded with the delicious smell of holiday baking and a yummy loaf of 'fall' bread.
I used pecans in place of walnuts and I replaced half of the golden raisins with King Arthur's Fruit Cake Blend Dried Fruit. The bread is light but stands up to the weight of all the added goodies. This recipe welcomes fall and I think you should make it!
Check Rebecca's blog The Bountiful Harvest  for the complete recipe.


  1. Your bread looks good. I prefer a bread that doesn't take so long from start to completion...


  2. True.. even I worried whether the dough would be able to hold up all the raisns and cranberries.. I thought it might all sink to the bottom.. but they all help up beautifully!!!

  3. Your bread rose beautifully, Cindy! Glad you enjoyed~

  4. I am with you - cranberries, walnuts and pumpkin speak to me, and I liked the bread, juts not all the prep time.

  5. Oooh, I hope they have cranberries at the grocery store today!

  6. Love it! I did not get to this one, to busy!

  7. Cindy, what a beautiful loaf of bread! Great colors and just a wonderful presentation - so glad that you liked this bread too, we thought it was delicious even without fresh cranberries.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  8. Beautiful! I'll try this one again once our grocery stores begin carrying fresh cranberries. I had to opt for the dried sweetened variety. I'm sure the tartness of fresh berries makes this even better!

  9. Your loaves look beautiful. I too was surprised by the number of negative comments on the TWD board. Interesting. Different strokes for different folks! I loved this one too!

  10. You made a beautiful loaf.
    I like it, especially toasted for breakfast.
    I love eating seasonal products and this bread is great...even if it takes forever.

  11. I too almost chickened out because of the negative reviews. I'm glad I didn't!

  12. Your bread looks great! I thought it was delicious!

  13. Your bread looks fabulous with the fresh cranberries. We couldn't find any, and used dried instead. Love your post.

  14. I was a little worried how this would turn out going in - but ended up being a real treat.
    Lovely bread

  15. Love all these pumpkin cranberry recipes. And I love this is a yeast bread. Must try this.

  16. Beautiful photos! Happy to hear you enjoyed this.

  17. Your bread looks great and really full of fruit! Thanks for sharing. Catherine

  18. Such a nice way to welcome Fall! Great looking loaves!

  19. Wasn't it fun?!? Your loaves look great! I loved the smell of the baking breads too. I'm going to check out the King Arthur fruit blend, it sounds really good!

  20. Beautiful! I love your photos!

  21. Wonderful looking loaves! This one was a hit in our house! A definite keeper!

  22. I'm sorry that people weren't loving this recipe - it looks so beautiful with all those cranberries popping out!

  23. I love your photos! And didn't you just love how the cranberries burst open in the bread?! :)

  24. I was scared by the P&Qs but enjoyed this bread as well. Glad you decided to make it!

  25. Such a pretty loaf...your photo is just gorgeous.

  26. You made me laugh Cindy! Sometimes I try to imagine my world without procrastination, but it's just not meant to be for me. There's nothing like the last minute. Though this bread sounds like the last minute starts at least 2 days ahead of finish time. Your bread is beautiful with the cranberries dotted through. Sounds like a nice start to fall!
