
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog Award

I have never been honored with a blog award! My blog started mostly as a place where I could catalog my recipes so my daughter would have easy access to them. But because of the wonderful web I have blogging friends all over. They cook, craft, sew, quilt raise cute kids, etc. This award was graciously given to me by Anita at Aunt Nubby's Kitchen. A blog where you always feel at home and there is plenty of wonderful food.


The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are:

1.  Thank the blogger who awarded you and link back to them.
2.  Share 7 things about yourself
3.  Pass the award along to 5 other newly discovered blogs.

So here are the 7 things you may not know about me:
1.  I don't watch TV at all.
2.  I have 5 brothers and no sisters
3.  I think one can never have too many shoes or purses.
4.  I don't drink, not even a cup of coffee, I do like a Diet Coke with Fresh Lime--made at a local drive-in
      called the Purple Turtle.   
5. The only fast food I really enjoy is Chick-fil-a
6.  I have had 7 back/neck surgeries
7.  I cook because I can't afford to eat where I want to!

And the best part - 5 blogs to honor with the Versatile Blogger Award:


  1. Congratulations on the win! And thanks for the fun facts. It's always great knowing a little more about the bloggers I follow.

  2. You deserve many awards... Your the best cook I know...

  3. It's true, you DO deserve many are quite fabulous, mom!

  4. Oh, thanks Cindy! I'm just catching up after being gone for the wedding.
    It was fun to learn a few new things about you. (I didn't know you didn't watch TV)
    Congratulations on your win!
