
Monday, October 10, 2011

TWD Basic Biscuits

Years ago I was going to the hospital to have a baby, number five or six, I don't remember. I asked Hubby if he wanted to learn how to  make a few simple dishes. His answer was--do you want to learn how to change the oil in the car? I didn't. So I did the cooking and hubby did outside stuff. It worked out fine for 35 years.
But seasons in our life change, kids are gone and Hubby has more time. He has been a great help in the kitchen, I have had health problems, he has stepped right in and been so helpful. I do have the best husband.
What does this have to do with Dories Basic Biscuits??  Hubby wanted to learn to make Biscuits and Gravy--the ultimate male comfort food. I really didn't care to perfect it so he went to work. I gave him Dories Basic Biscuit recipe, he read it and reread it. I watched over his shoulder just a bit and gave him a few pointers. I'm happy to say that Hubby now makes perfect Buttermilk Biscuits. We have tried several recipes but we always come back to Dories Basic Biscuit.
It comes together in minutes and is consistently delicious. Hubby also has Sausage Gravy perfected, but it is not so photogenic. The boys all agree it is delicious, and the girls don't mind it either.
So when I see a nice plate of biscuits on the table I think of a loving hubby who was willing to step outside his comfort zone and learn something new. For the record--I have not learned how to change the oil in the car. But I do know how to drive thru Jiffy Lube!
Thanks for letting me ramble. The purpose of my blog is not only sharing yummy recipes but also sharing stories that my children and grandchildren may someday enjoy. Don't you wish you knew more about your father or grandfather?
The complete recipe for Basic Biscuits will be on Jennifer's Blog, Cooking For Comfort. Or just purchase Dories book, it will become your kitchen friend.


  1. I just love your story! I don't think I'd be very good at changing the oil either...I'm more of an indoor girl!

    Your biscuits are absolute perfection-your hubby did a fabulous job!

    Thank you for baking along with me and for the fabulous story!

  2. What a cute cute story! Husbands. . you gotta love them! Once I asked my hubs for help and told him to get a can of green beans from the pantry. He got them out and said "what do I do with them." I could not believe he didn't even understand that he needed to heat those up. He has gotten better thru the years though. Love your biscuits and love your story. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love reading personal things about everyone lifes and things that are happening! It's great to learn more about everyone!!
    Your biscuits look great and Im glad your hubby learned how to ake them!!

  4. Adorable story!
    Speaking of adorable, I love the way your blog looks! (I know it's probably not new...I don't get around much).

    Your biscuits look great too. :D

  5. Love your story - that made me laught - do you want to know how to change the oil!!! I'm with you!
    Congrats to your lovely hubby for his wonderful biscuits :)
    Mary x

  6. That's a great story! I don't know if my husband could make biscuits, but he makes good steamed puddings and Christmas cake.

  7. Cute post! And what amazing looking biscuits, too - congrats to your hubs! :)

  8. Awww - glad that hubby likes to make and eat these.

  9. You really do have the most wonderful husband, and I'm glad to know he helps with the cooking too.
    I've always used an old biscuit recipe I aquired when first married. I've never been that thrilled with it. I'm giving this one a try!

  10. That is a great story! Reminds me of my dad - not much in the kitchen when I was growing up, but he is now remarried to a fabulous cook and baker - and guess what? He now loves to make and decorate sugar cookies for the grandkids!

    The biscuits look fantastic - your husband is a master! I love the square look, too.

  11. they are utterly adorable. the red pops out and makes them gorgeous!

  12. Those biscuits are very impressive & delicious coming from your better half! I love your story, it is an inspiration for me...I have a long way to go!

  13. Congratulations to your husband! I've been eyeing this recipe for a while and can't wait to make it.

  14. A great man, and great biscuits! Does he do home delivery - to Idaho?

  15. I'd love one of you hot biscuits this morning. Next time I make biscuits I'm going to try the square shape and Dorie's recipe.

  16. Such a fun post! The biscuits look wonderful, of course, I really like the shape of them. I know how to drive through Jiffy Lube as well...and Mark makes chili, spaghetti sauce, and Beef Stroganoff. Not bad as things go, all of them he learned how to make in college as each roommate was responsible for two meals a week and that's all he knows how to cook. About once a year he will make something, but better than that...he likes to grocery shop so I figure if he is willing to shop, cart it all home, unload it from the car, and help put it away, I am happy to cook anything he wants! lol

  17. What a wonderful husband you have! Mine can barely fit his plate into the dishwasher. ::ggl::
    The biscuits look perfect!

  18. How about sharing the recipe for sausage gravy. My husband loves it but can't find a good recipe! He's a pretty good cook too,
