
Monday, July 12, 2010

TWD Brrrrrrrr-ownies

Another 5 star recipe, this cookbook continues to impress. I love mint, I love chocolate. This is really one delicious treat. I used York Peppermint Patties and just gave them a course chop. This resulted in pockets of minty heaven. Our host this week is Karen check her blog for the recipe. I want to try this brownie recipe with Peanut Butter Cups. This is just another great brownie recipe to add to my ever growing collection. See what other TWD bakers did with this decedent recipe.


Pamela said...

Nice picture of your brownies among all of those peppermint patties!

Mary said...

They look great! I can't really tell, but are York patties thick or thin? I don't think we have them in Canada, but I'll have to have a look. I used peanut butter cups this time around.

miss kate said...

oh yours came out beautifully!

Mary: peppermint patties are thin-ish, maybe about a 1/4inch (or, errr, um, you know, whatever that means in centimeters). Not to threadjack, but I have a pic of some on my post.

Amber said...

Yum! If any dessert would turn me back to eating sugar, these surely would!!

Jill said...

Those look delish mom!! I think they look like they would travel well, why don't you go ahead and send me a few :)

Fun pictures too!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Love the photos with all of those peppermint patties! :) Thanks for baking with me this week!

Jennifer said...

Your brownies look wonderful!

Paula said...

I like the shiny, crackly top on your brownies. Looks they worked out well for you.

Anonymous said...

Your brownies look great, I like the large pieces of mint that you can see.

Kimberly Johnson said...

Your brownies look wonderful!

Chats the Comfy Cook said...

Love your presentation.

Kayte said...

Yours look just like mine only you have a fancier presentation (as usual!). These were fun to cut and see the surprises inside.

Susan said...

Great looking brownies! I am thinking peanut butter cups next time as well as trying this with Milky Way bars...:)

Peggy said...

Okay how did you get yours so thick and tall? They look wonderful. Nice presentation as well. Great job!!

Cakelaw said...

I agree - these were fab!! Love your little display with all the mint patties.

Anne said...

You brownies look perfect and I love them scattered with the candy- yum!

Nickki said...

Your brownies look gorgeous! I wish I could get mine to cut into perfect squares like yours. Lovely pictures :-)

mike said...

Packaging makes such a nice presentation! I went with the Camp Fire mints - maybe not as good. Glad you enjoyed them - I loved them!

Rachel said...

I love how you displayed these with all of the peppermint pattie packages! (say that five times fast...)

TeaLady said...

Those look perfect. Mint and chocolate works for me. Unfortunately these brownies didn't. Nice pics.

Liz said...

I agree, these were phenomenal! Yours looks great, love the minty chunks.

Anonymous said...

They look great! Peanut butter cups sound like a great addition too.

Free Pretty Things For You said...

these look super yummy!
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