
Monday, June 6, 2011

Blueberry-Brown Sugar Plain Cake

It's my turn!!!! After patiently waiting for 18 months it is finally my turn to host TWD. I was a little worried as I scanned the recipes that had already been done. We are getting to the last 6 months. However, I was amazed at all the yummy recipes still waiting to be made. I had a list of at least a dozen recipes to choose from. I left the apple recipes for fall picks as well as a yummy Sour Cream Pumpkin Pie.

But it is the perfect time of year for blueberries! Beautiful blueberries were at Costco for a decent price. So I was happy to choose Blueberry-Brown Sugar Plain Cake. It turned out to be an excellent choice. It was easy to mix together with ingredients I had on hand. I did purchase a 11x7 Pyrex Pan, mostly because I have always wanted one. 

We thought this was excellent. Just what its name suggested; Blueberry Brown Sugar Plain Cake. It was tender, moist and blueberry delicious. I served it with ice cream, but it didn't need it.

Blueberry-Brown Sugar Plain Cake
This "Plain Cake"--no crumbs, streusel, nuts, icing or filling--is just plain appealing.  It's got soft crumbs, a strong streak of caramel brown sugar flavor and the here-and-there surprise of sweet tart berries. It's a perfect "daylight" cake, good for breakfast, brunch or lunch, and it can easily be a picnic cake because it is eminently packable.

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (I used Pampered Chef's Cinnamon Plus)
1/8 teaspoon plus a pinch of salt
2 large eggs, separated
1 stick unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup whole milk
1 pint blueberries--fresh, preferably, or frozen (not thawed)
confectioners' sugar for dusting

Getting Ready: Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Generously butter an 11x7 inch Pyrex baking pan and place on a baking sheet.
    Whisk together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and 1/8 teaspoon salt. 
    Working with a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the egg whites with the pinch of salt until they form firm, glossy peaks. Gently scrape the whites into a clean bowl if using a stand mixer. Fix the mixer with the paddle attachment, if you have one. (There is no need to clean the mixer bowl). Put the butter and sugar in the mixer bowl, or in another large bowl if using a hand mixer, and beat on medium speed until creamy. Add the egg yolks and beat 2 more minutes. Reduce the mixer to low and add half the dry ingredients, then all of the milk and then the remainder of the dry ingredients, adding each new batch as soon as the previous batch has been incorporated.
    Switch to a large rubber spatula  and lighten the batter by stirring in about one quarter of the stiffly beaten egg whites. Fold in the rest of the whites, working as gently as you can. Since the cake batter is heavy, it's only natural you'll deflate the whites a little--don't be concerned. Still working with as light a hand as possible, fold in the blueberries, and scrape the batter into the prepared pan.
    Bake the cake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until it is golden and a thin knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Transfer the cake to a cooling rack and cool in the pan for about 30 minutes before dusting the top with confectioners' sugar and serving warm.
    Makes about 15 servings.
Serving: Once the cake is cool enough to cut it is cool enough to eat. give the cake another dusting of cofectioners' sugar and cut the cake into squares about 2 inches on a side. I like the cake plain, but if you're looking for an accompaniment, look at blueberry jam or a bowl of lightly sweetened sour cream or creme fraiche.
Storing: Well covered, the cake will keep at room temperature for about 3 days. You can wrap the cake airtight and freeze it for up to 2 months, but it really is best fresh.

And that my friends is everything you need to know about a Blueberry-Brown Sugar Plain Cake! I highly recommend it. Check out the other TWD bakers, they are an amazing group of talented bakers. I'm sure they had fun with this recipe. If you don't own Dorie's, 'Baking From My Home To Yours', put it on your Amazon wish list, or get it for Hubby for Fathers Day. It is a wealth of baking information; I can't say enough good about it!
Linked to Every Day Sisters Sharing Sundays


  1. I love that you posted early! This cake is definitely worth the excitement; mine just flew off the plate. I'll be making this one again. Because it's plain, it's quick, with no frosting or crumb topping to slow things down. Great pick!

  2. I have to love you for this pick. We love it and I plan to make it again and again. It was yummy and I don't usually frost cakes so it was nice not to be the odd man out.

  3. Loved this way more than I thought I would!! So good. Thanks for choosing this one.

  4. Thanks for a great pick! I didn't exactly follow the recipe, but I still loved it. Will have to try the real version sometime soon.

  5. Excellent choice! Unassuming, but so delicious. And, blueberries are a favorite here.

  6. Gorgeous cake Cindy and an excellent pick!

  7. Loved it! Thx for the great pick!

  8. An understated cake that quickly disappeared at my house. Great choice, Cindy!

  9. I loved this cake, Cindy. I'll definitely be making it again! Thanks for a great pick!

  10. Great pick! I love blueberries and this cake was really good. My blueberries sank to the bottom, but that was ok.

  11. What beautiful pictures of a wonderful, delicious cake. Thanks for a great pick. I can't wait to try it again and again.

  12. Great choice! This was a wonderful cake - having it now for a snack, and I'm sure it'll be perfect for breakfast tomorrow as well. I added a caramel swirl - perfect!

  13. I haven't had a chance to make it yet but it seems like everyone loved the recipe!

  14. Great pick--I really enjoyed this one!

  15. Seems like everyone loved this cake.

  16. this is excellent! just as good for dessert as it it will be for breakfast!

  17. Excellent, indeed. And, to think I was skeptical! I didn't think brown sugar and blueberries sounded like a good combination but boy oh boy was I ever wrong! This is definitely a repeat. Yours looks just wonderful. Thanks for a great pick!

  18. Thank you for the great pick this week! It worked out so well that blueberries are in season (at least for a lot of us). This was really delicious, and yours looks fantastic.

  19. Delicious. This is plain but not boring. Great pick. We loved it over here.....perfect for breakfast, dessert, or an afternoon snack.

  20. Tasty pick, Cindy. I liked the caramel with the tart little blueberries. Guess I will have to go pick some more blueberries so I can make this again.

  21. Any excuse for ice cream is good for me! Thanks for a timely pick!

  22. Awesome pick! I'm very excited it's blueberry picking time!

  23. Thanks for such a great pick! I used rhubarb and I can't wait to make it again.

  24. Great pick! This one won me over in spite of the blueberries. Yours looks absolutely perfect!

  25. I know I will love this one. I didn't get to it last has been busy. My daughter graduated from hospital and my mom was admitted to the hospital the day after. Soo....alll is well now and I will bake this cake soon!!

  26. Lovely cake. I love blueberries and have some in the fridge right now, so I might bake it tonight. Great for breakfast. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Really good choice - a perfect summer delight!

  28. Thank you for hosting this week Cindy! I absolutely love blueberries, especially in baked goods. I'm so glad we can enjoy them for the next few months. Your cake looks terrific! I shared most of mine with my stepfather who raved about it.

  29. thanks for hosting! i loved this cake!

  30. Thanks for a blueberry-licious pick. I've still got what seems like a freezer-full and still keep buying fresh ones since they're in season. Nice, easy cake.

  31. Yum, it looks wonderful with the ice cream. This was an outstanding selection for this time of year, yay for blueberry season!

  32. I'm seriously jealous that yours turned out so pretty...and with no sinking blueberries like mine!

  33. This looks delicious!! Thank you for linking up to Sharing Sundays them BERRIES!!!


  34. Hi Cindy, finally got a chance to post this cake, only 6 months late or so :) Just wated to stop in and say hi and let you know how much we enjoyed your pick! Take care!

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