
Saturday, June 4, 2011

In Memory JP Lindstrom/Dad

Today is Dad's birthday, he has been gone almost 6 years now and I miss him every day. Please allow me to ramble a bit.
--Dad was a gentle man, he didn't raise his voice.
--He encouraged education, he would often say it is easier to make a living with your brains than your back.
--He treated women with respect, always a gentleman. Mom never opened a door or pumped gas.
--Dad had a great sense of humor, he was pleasent; fun to be around.
--Dad was a hard worker, when you worked with Dad you worked hard. But he was quick to take a break at the 'Gas and Goodie'.
--Lunch was always at 12, he liked One Man Band, Sonic and Purple Turtle. When we were kids Mom always packed him a lunch in a black lunch box with a silver thermos.
--Dad quit work at 4:30, got home at 4:40 took a shower and we ate promptly at 5:00. Everyday. Mom cooked great meals and we were all home for dinner. There were few exceptions. But the dinner table was always a place you wanted to be. Not only good food but pleasant conversation. Dad talked about funny things that happened at work, embellished just a bit I'm sure.
--Dad never worked on Sunday, it was a day of rest. We went to church, Dad stayed home and peeled the potatoes, set the table, checked on the roast, cooked the frozen corn. We got home, Mom made the gravy
and we ate a delicious dinner! We thought it was great. Later in life Dad went to church so dinner was delayed a bit. We didn't mind.
--We go about our busy life, but we all take a little bit of Dad with us.


  1. I miss him every day too. Thanks for posting this! He really was a good man...

  2. I only met your Dad a few times, but that picture is exactly how I remember him. Always had a smile on his face, and was jovial.
    You are so fortunate to come from such a good home with wonderful parents!

  3. What a lovely post about your father! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I think of him often, such a great man!!

    Thanks for the post, Mom!

  5. What a great man, all qualities a man should hope to have in my opinion.

  6. What a wonderful tribute. Sounds a lot like my grandfather and I miss him terribly for all the same reasons.

  7. Got choked up reading this post. Beautifully written and fab photo.
