It started out as a normal Monday. Cold cereal for breakfast, a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV and lots of sunshine. Jack was outside before nine ready to take on the day. He played outside for only moments when he found a new friend. He promptly brought his friend inside to meet me. It was a Potato Bug--or Rollie-Pollie as Jack calls them, I suggested he take his new friend outside.
It wasn't long before Jack was inside with a worried look on his face. He reported to his Mom that the Rollie-Pollie was up his nose. Jill laughed (Jack has been known to tell a story or two) and said something to the effect of 'that's gonna kill you'. Tears filled Jacks eyes, we knew it wasn't a story and the Rollie-Pollie really was up his nose. We tried all the usual things frantic parents do when a foreign object is up a child's nose. Nothing worked.
A visit to the Pediatric Clinic was necessary. The staff got a good chuckle and thanks to a long slim tweezer like instrument the bug, now expired, was removed.
I asked Jack why he put the bug up his nose. 'I thought it would be a good home' was his reply. I'm sure Jack will continue his fascination with insects. Hopefully he will keep them out of his nose.

Oh, my. "Now expired." I guess it wasn't a good home, huh. :( I'm glad Jack is OK.
Too funny! Especially because I remember taking a parenting class with you many years ago, and the instructor had a lesson on "don't put a bean up your nose". Do you remember that?
Love it!!!
Mary x
Awww, what a cutie. That's too funny! I'm sure he's going to love to see this post about 10 years from now. ;)
Ah! They all do it ONCE! All three of mine have done it. Luckily- all was removed with out any brain loss. Too funny!
Oh dear, that's pretty funny! I've heard of lots of things up noses (like beans that actually started to sprout!) but never a potato bug.
That is so cute! I'm sure you're missing that little family living with you!! I'm glad all 'came out' well! Hugs
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