I like lists - and I have an action packed one to share with you
today. Things have been quiet here at Everyday Insanity. Here are a
few reasons why, as well as a miracle I'm thrilled to share!
1. My laptop died - just 2 short months after my 3 year Geek Squad
Guarantee expired. Go figure. Blogging without a laptop is nearly
2. I purchased a new laptop and left the old, very dead computer at
Best Buy.
3. The new laptop has Windows 8, which is a whole new world. You
can teach an old dog new tricks, but it takes a long time.
4. While I'm lost in a sea of my own data Best Buy calls; my old
laptop is ready for pickup. After The Geek Squad worked their magic and
cleared 500 bugs and a few crumbs it is running like new! Now I have a
laptop to use while I learn Windows 8. As miraculous as that is, it is
not the miracle I've been excited to share!
5. The first week of October we anticipated company - we do so love it
when our children come home! A son, his wife, and their darling children
from Las Vegas, a daughter coming from Illinois for a photography conference,
and a daughter and her family from Idaho. These visits include good food,
much laughter, and many late nights. However this weekend also included an
unexpected, and very welcomed addition!
6. And now the list can end, and the story can begin...
You may have noticed the button on my sidebar, "Jarom & Candise -
Hoping to Adopt". Candise is my oldest daughter. She and her
husband adopted their daughter, Eliza Jane, seven years ago. She is a
bundle of energy and keeps us all smiling! Adoption has its ups and downs
- and Jarom and Candise have graciously ridden the roller coaster for many
On the morning of October 2, the day before they were scheduled to come to
my house to visit, Jarom and Candise sent their daughter off to school, and had
a discussion about a "to-do-around-the-house" list. Jarom is a
BLM employee, and it was his first full day of furlough. Little did they
know their "to-do" list would drastically change! About 9:15
their adoption caseworker called and said, "You have a baby girl at the
hospital, get here as quickly as you can and bring a car seat!" The
conversation contained little more than that. They were at the hospital
down the street in record time and found themselves meeting an amazing birth mother,
and then a beautiful little girl that had been chosen to join their
family. Jarom left the hospital to get Eliza Jane from school - the birth
mother wanted to meet her as well! A short time later Eliza Jane called
me, I was surprised to hear from her, as it was the middle of a school day,
"Nana, we just went to the hospital." I thought that perhaps
she had broken her arm on the playground. "We have a new baby
And just like that our world turned upside down in the best possible
way. I wanted to hop in the car and get to Idaho - but my other children
were en route to my house! Jarom and Candise decided to keep with their
original plan and joined us all in Utah, with a brand new newborn. And
how lucky we were that the photographer daughter
Amber Linderman was in town and able to
capture some beautiful images of our precious new grand daughter, Annie
May. (It was so hard to choose a few images to share - there are some sweet photos of Annie's newborn toes on Amber's Facebook page!)
Photo by Amber Linderman Photography |
Photo by Amber Linderman Photography |
Photo by Amber Linderman Photography |
So again I am reminded of why we named this blog Everyday
Insanity. This wonderful family of ours can get pretty insane at times! Even as I post this I'm awaiting news of the arrival of yet another beautiful granddaughter. Life is grand!
Stay tuned for some yummy recipes--we still have to eat as we celebrate life's miracles!