
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Puff Pancakes


I'm almost embarrassed to admit that this is the first Puff/Monster/Swedish/German Pancake I have ever tasted. It was delicious, I feel bad I've waited 50+ years to enjoy this eggy delight. I'll make it again, often, probably for dinner with fruit and a slice or two of bacon. Easy to make and who doesn't like to see the 'monster' when it is removed from the oven.
It is one of EJ's favorite meals. Thanks Eliza for sharing such a yummy meal with Nana. We topped the pancake with a little powdered sugar and some fresh Strawberry Syrup.

Eliza's Favorite Puff Pancake

6 tablespoons butter, melted in a 9x13 Pyrex pan--put in pre-heating 425 oven, watch carefully (for some odd reason it will not stick to a Pyrex pan as it does in stoneware and metal.)
Mix together
5 eggs
1 1/4 cup flour
1 1/4 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
generous pinch of salt
Pour batter over melted butter, bake 20-25 minutes at 425 degrees.
Recipe from Candise Gilbert--an amazing cook!


Nedra said...

I used to make these a lot when we were first married, but haven't made them in years and years. My recipe was called "German Pancakes"

Amy said...

These are my favorite breakfast. If you sprinkle the batter with brown sugar before cooking, in adds a really fun yummy crust on the top.

Jill said...

yummy! I'm making these tomorrow morning! I bet Jack will love them.

Love the photos!

Jan Marie said...

Love this with buttermilk syrup.

Barbara Bakes said...

It's been too long since I've had a puff pancake. Yours looks fabulous.

Amber said...

I love the proportions in this recipe, I've been using one that calls for the same amount of eggs and butter, but only 3/4 cup milk and flour, and it was too eggy and didn't puff enough. I made this today and it was perfect! It puffed way up and was light and delicious. I served it with sliced strawberries and fresh blueberries and real maple syrup. yum!! Thanks Mom/Candise!

Unknown said...

I am your newest follower! YEE haw!

I grew up on these...however we called them Hooten Nanny Hotcakes.

But same great taste!

Kim said...

These were so yummy. I made them this morning with the strawberry sauce and loved them. My husband wants them for his Father's Day breakfast.

Sonia said...

Hi There, This is looking Gorgeous. A very well made post with beautiful pictures. Loved the new combo of ingredients and the recipe is so nicely made and presented. Its always fun to see ur appetizing recipes.Saving this recipe of urs and wud love to give ur version a try on the coming weekend. Have a great day….Sonia !!!

Sweet Birdie Blue said...

oh my i think i shall be making this for breakfast!!!

Sue said...

I've never made it either, but it sure looks delicious!

Chrissy @ The Outlaw Mom Blog said...

Looks delish! I think my picky toddler will go for this - maybe this will be a good Father's Day breakfast! Thanks for the idea :-)

Ali said...

Puff pancakes are so good! Mine always turn out too brown around the edges.

The strawberry sauce looks so beautiful too :D Thanks for the recipe Cindy!

Jenn Erickson said...

I've been searching for ages for a German pancake recipe (or "Dutch Baby" as my Dad used to call it)that tastes and looks like my Dads. Your recipe sounds like it very well may be the one. Can't wait to try it with my family this weekend!