
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Something Crafty


'Brown paper packages tied up in string'...
I'm a believer in 'presentation is everything'. There are no pans on our dinner table, gifts must be wrapped and when possible make it cute! I make too many treats so I must share these calories, I mean goodies. I know that treats taste the same on a paper plate or a cellophane bag tied with colorful ribbon, or do they? Anyway because I like to I do.


Nedra said...

You've combined the best of both your worlds (and talents!), card making and wonderful food. Perfect combination.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, these packages are so cute! I try to package my goodies nicely, at least at Christmas, so thanks for the great ideas!

Kayte said...

Very cute...I just love seeing how people package things so thanks for sharing as these are absolutely darling ideas. You are so talented and clever. I really need to start thinking re gifting as I am finding myself not making things as I can't imagine Mark and I eating them all now that Matt and friends are off at college.

Anonymous said...

Wowo - they look like they are from some high end Madison Avenue bakery - beautifully done - wonderful idea - very clever you!!
Mary xx

Jaime said...

those are so cute!